ALF Reviews: "Try to Remember" (Season 1, Episode 16)
ALF Reviews: “Try to Remember” (Season 1, Episode 16) I…yeah. Episode sixteen is a clip show. Take a moment to let that sink in. We’re barely halfway through the first season, and already there’s a clip show. I do understand the value of clips shows. I don’t particularly like them, but I understand why they exist. It’s a relatively fast and inexpensive way to add another episode to the running order, and in the days before complete season DVDs, they were often the only way to re-live favorite moments from years ago. Personally, I was always disappointed when I made a point of watching a show I enjoyed only to find out that the “all-new episode” was a clip show. Stitching together moments leads to a disjointed viewing experience that dulls the effect of even the best gags, as all of the context is removed. Clip shows try to follow the lead of “Greatest Hits” albums by including all of the things you remember in one convenient package, but in practice they turn out more...