Pop Questions: To Sleep, Perchance to ****
Grown Backwards is an incredible album. I’m a huge fan of David Byrne’s work as both the frontman for Talking Heads and as a solo artist. He’s an acquired taste, but one I’d say is worth acquiring. And as much as I love his music in general, Grown Backwards , I think, is his strongest album front to back. (It’s predecessor Look Into the Eyeball puts up a damned good fight, though.) Seriously. It’s great. Go buy it. Listen to it for a few years. THEN FINISH READING THIS POST OK Okay. So, there is one song on the album that leaves me wondering about something. It’s embedded below, and you should listen even if you don’t give a crap about helping me with my question, because it’s an excellent song with a pretty adorable guitar line. It’s called “She Only Sleeps.” And that might be the clue to my answer right there, but I’m honestly not sure. See, the entire line in the chorus is “She only sleeps with me.” And that can be interpreted two ways. So, here’s my que...