
Showing posts from November, 2016

Announcing: Choose Your Own Advent!

Starting this week, it’s the Noiseless Chatter advent calendar: Choose Your Own Advent ! A new post every day(!) from December 1 – December 24. Each one is a writeup of a different novel, covering a grand total of 24, and spanning many different approaches to the material. Specifically, I think back to a comment longtime reader RaikoLives left here , thanking me for speaking about the experience of reading each book, as opposed to just summarizing plots. I’m taking that approach for Choose Your Own Advent as well. There may be recaps, there may not be, but these pieces will all, in some way, reflect my experience as a reader, as a writer, as a human being whose life has been improved and enriched by an appreciation for literature. I love books. You…probably know that already, but I always feel as though I don’t write about them enough. This is a chance for me to scratch that itch, and it may help you find something great to read in the new year. I get asked for r...

For Purchase: Xmas Bash!!!! Commemorative Art Prints, for Charity!

That’s right…you can buy prints of the Fourth Annual Noiseless Chatter Xmas Bash!!!! official artwork right here, right now . And you should! Anyway, the actual post: There’s less than one month until the Fourth Annual Noiseless Chatter Xmas Bash!!!! Are you excited? I am. Because I know what I’ll be making you sit through, and you don’t! Every year we solicit donations for The Trevor Project . No money goes through me, everything is directly sent to them. There’s no charge to attend, and folks either choose to donate (and how much) or choose not to. It’s that simple. However, we have a bit of an exception this year, as you can now donate and receive something in return. Artist, writer, and Mypos historian Casey Roberson is offering prints of this year’s official Xmas Bash!!!! artwork for sale. All proceeds from all sales are donated to The Trevor Project. So you can give and have something pretty awesome hanging on your wall. You can buy your gorgeous Xmas Bash!...

Update. (The Show Must Go On.)

I’m mad. I’m frustrated. I’m frightened, I’m embarrassed, I’m appalled. I’ve been waiting to speak. I’ve said almost nothing. I keep trying to get my thoughts together and, nope, I can’t process a fucking thing. There’s no other way to say it. We made an awful choice, we’re fucking idiots, and we’re going to hurt a lot of people. We’ve given bigotry a platform, and we’ve emboldened it. Possibly we’ve cemented it. We’ve done everything we can to make this country extraordinarily dangerous to people who don’t look, act, or believe the way we’d like them to. About a week ago my country voted. The popular vote may not have gone that way, but for all intents and purposes we came together to decide, as a nation, that we wanted to be ugly, hateful, discriminatory human beings. Some people, I’m sure, voted for Trump because they trusted him on the economy, or something. That’s fine. I disagree with those people, and I think it says something that the three states wi...

Resident Evil 4 Scares the Hell Out of Me

THE TITLE IS THE WHOLE POST GOODBYE …okay, of course it’s not. You know me. If I can say something in nine words, I might as well say it in nine thousand. Anyway, there’s a big update post to come, giving you all an idea of what to expect in the coming months. In short, though, December is going to be awesome, with the Fourth Annual Xmas Bash!!!! live stream , a great Christmas-appropriate Fiction Into Film, and a major, huge surprise that’s going to make December the busiest month this blog has had in a while. But…you’ll have to wait to find out about that. Because I’m playing Resident Evil 4 again. Or, I’m trying to. And I can’t. I mean, I can, of course. But I also… can’t . Because this game genuinely scares the daylights out of me. I don’t know why. I can’t put my finger on anything in particular. In fact, I don’t think it is anything in particular. I think it’s a combination of things. I think it’s the fact that the hordes of enemies (largely) don’t look lik...