
Showing posts from July, 2020

Announcing: The First-Ever Noiseless Chatter Monster Bash! (And lots more!)

I tell you, you wait all day for a bus, and then like 10 of them show up at once. And they’re ALL GREAT BUSES. Whatever; point is, I have a lot of things to announce. The First-Ever Noiseless Chatter Monster Bash! I will be hosting a livestream at 8:00 p.m. Eastern on Aug. 22 to celebrate the launch of my book on Resident Evil! It’s not mandatory to sign up through Facebook, but you can view the event and register here . Irritatingly, Facebook doesn’t seem to autocalculate timezones anymore, probably because someone found the feature useful. So, again, that’s 6 p.m. Mountain time / 8 p.m. Eastern time on Aug. 22. If you’re not in one of those timezones, make sure you use exactly the same technology Facebook is no longer using to figure out when you need to be there. This is the First-Ever Noiseless Chatter Monster Bash! If you recall, last year was the first year we missed out on an Xmas Bash! This, I hope, will make up for it, and it will share a similar format. Live chat...

Join me for “Anatomy of a Scream,” Aug. 8, 4 pm Eastern

Alright, I can now announce the details! “Anatomy of a Scream” With Resident Evil author Philip J Reed Sat, August 8, 2020, 4:00 PM (Eastern Time) What it is Join me as we take a walk through the Spencer Mansion — and mmmaybe a bit beyond — to dissect some of Resident Evil ‘s strongest scares. We’ll discuss how and why the game’s most memorable moments work so well, and why 25+ years later I can say things like “that ceiling” and “that hallway” and you know precisely what I mean. I’ll be taking you live through some of these scenes, showing you how Capcom so expertly got under your skin. (Your itchy, tasty skin.) We’ll discuss both the game’s most inspired artistic decisions and the ways in which the weaknesses of its design — and probably unintentionally — work to its advantage. It’s going to be a lot of fun. And the best part? I’m taking requests! Let me know what your standout Resident Evil moments are, and I promise to take all of the fun out of them for you. A ...

Uplink Update: Join me (and TripleJump) Aug. 8-9!

As I’ve mentioned, I will be a guest at the virtual gaming convention Uplink this year. I can also share a bit more information…but mainly I’m reminding you that this is exactly one month away! If you haven’t gotten your tickets yet, do so ! It’s only $10 for an entire weekend of great, live programming, and if you take a look at the guest list you’ll see that there’s a lot of excellent stuff in store. Such as…well… Yes, TripleJump , the best boys of YouTube will be there as well! What’s more, they will be doing a live episode of Worst Games Ever, which is, without exaggeration, the best and funniest show on all of YouTube. I’ve said that before, so let me take a moment to do the impossible and try to narrow it down to my favorite 10 episodes, in chronological order, just so diving in won’t be so daunting: – Rogue Warrior – Catwoman – London Racer – Smarties: Meltdown – 3D Pets Volume 1 – Hulk Hogan’s Main Event – Agent Hugo – Knight Rider – Shadow the Hedge...

New page! Resident Evil page! New Resident Evil page!

Saints be praised; I’ve added a page to the site! You can even look at it ! It contains all of the press the book has received so far, as well as the interviews I have done and the podcast appearances I have made. I’ll keep it updated as best I can, but if there’s some coverage you find before I do, let me know! There will also be some purchasing information once the book is released, and I plan on creating a clickable version of the book’s back matter as well. The book comes out next month which is horrifying. In all seriousness, though, I can’t wait to get it into your hands. As you’ll see on the page, people seem to like it. And you’re people. YOU DO THE MATH.